Using the extensive experience of our specialists we have expanded the functionality of the billing system of the tight integration of our applications with CUCM and AASTRA


CUCM extensions

Caller presentation

For incoming calls, on the phone display the caller’s details loaded from the Internet Phone Books are presented. Setup allows you to select the parameters which values from IPB will be displayed, ex: name, company and department, in addition it is possible to display the pictures if any is present in the database.

Extended phone book

Special service added to the CUCM configuration allows searching the phone book without the need to have a computer and access to the system. Book’s search can be done by all or selected fields. When you find the entry it is possible to directly establish a call.

Displaying costs and limits on phones

Services that are added to the CUCM and possible to select from your phone, allow you to see the costs for the line assigned to the phone. It is possible to display the total cost of your calls for the current and last month, the remaining talk time in the current accounting period and the cost of the last call you made.

Retrieving information from phones

Feature allows you to automatically update a list of lines created in CUCM, telephones logged in the system and the numbers assigned to them. All parameters are downloaded to the device assigned. In particular, MAC address, serial number, user, software version, phone model, etc.

Broadcasting system

The system allows you to send text and voice messages on the Cisco phones, regardless of whether they are conducting a call. The telephones can be assigned to different groups and the messages can be addressed to a group, then the message is sent to all telephones in the selected group. The broadcast can be used to notify users about the meeting, emergency situations, etc.

Automatic login to your phone

This functionality allows the user to automatically log your profile to the defined phone when you log into the computer.


AASTRA extensions

Extended phone book

A special service is added to the configuration of the phone book that allows you to search from the phone without the need to have a computer and access to the system. Book’s search can be done by all or only few specified fields. When you find the entry of interest it is possible to establish a direct call.

Displaying costs and limits on phones

Services added to your phone’s settings allow you to check the cost for the line assigned to the phone. It is possible to display the total cost of your calls for the current and the previous month, the remaining limit in the current accounting period and the cost of the last call you made. Individual information is available from the special menu assigned to the phone button.